I am a Germany-based (open source) developer with love for TYPO3, Android, WordPress, Chrome, Firefox and more.
Recent works
Goolytics – Simple Google Analytics
WordPress -
Disable All WordPress Updates
WordPress -
WPSeek Mobile
Android -
WordPress -
Web Site -
Admin Management Xtended
WordPress -
Reveal IDs
WordPress -
Simple Yearly Archive
What Others Say
- This is the BEST Word Press Plug in I have ever tested or used!
- Great, I didn't know that there are this cool add-ons in Firefox. And then I have unexpectedly found Facebooktranslate add-on. ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE....
- I was immediately hooked after watching the screencast.
- Looking at the Wordpress Extend Plugins Resources I found this fantastic plugin, Wordpress Admin Management Xtended.Hardian Nazief dot Com
- Das gute Stück ist seit dem ich es Benutze (ca. 2 Monate) nicht mehr wegzudenken und für mich ein wahres Goldstück.
- Ein super Plugin ehrlich. Sowas habe ich für meinen Blog gesucht!
- I cannot tell you enough how useful the "Admin Management Xtended Plugin" is for running a wordpress blog One of the Best Wordpress Plugins!
- German efficiency A Wordpress plugin that impresses!erraticsouls.com
- Once you use it, you'll see tht it'll save dozens of clicks for you. It's all there from one screen. I love it.
- It doesn't make FF3 slower, so there is no reason to not install it!
- What would I do without you, you beautiful plugin?!
- Best support ever!
- WPH is by far the most utilitarian blogging instrument around. This addon is great.