Admin Management Xtended Plugin// Easing WordPress Administration

As a whole, the new WordPress Admin panel is organized fairly well, however when it comes to editing posts or pages quickly without having to open each post or page in a new tab or window, it isn't a very efficient process. For those who are using WordPress as a CMS, it's important to be able to manage contents easily and quickly. That's what this plugin helps to do.

It adds some icons to the posts/pages management panel with AJAX-driven CMS-known functions like toggling post/page visibility, changing publication date and title without having to open the edit screens or reload the page, plus changing page order with drag'n'drop, inline category management and inline tag management, plus much more.

The plugin requires WordPress 3.2+

  • Ability to change post and page properties inline in the post or page management view
  • Toggle visibility with a single click
  • Quick Edit for Taxonomies (Categories, Tags, Custom Taxonomies, ...)
  • Quick Edit for Custom Post Types (Title, Slug, Author, etc.)
  • Stick & unstick posts with a single click from within the posts listing panel
  • Change the publication date with a neat comfortable calendar
  • Change post/page title inline in posts/pages management view
  • Change post/page slug inline in posts/pages management view
  • Change page order inline in pages management view
  • Change order of (top level) pages via Drag'n'Drop
  • Change categories inline on post management page (inline category management)
  • Toggle comment status open/closed in posts/pages management view
  • Change tags inline on post management page (inline tag management)
  • Change media order inline in media management view
  • Change media description inline in media management view
  • Open post revisions inline in post/page management view
  • Change post/page author inline in post/page management view
  • Change link categories inline on link management page
  • Toggle link visibility with a single click
  • Time now can be chosen in the js popout calendar aswell
  • Change post order inline in post management view (Props Jeff Cole
  • Support for Exclude Pages plugin
  • Entirely possible to be localized, including the JS calendar
  • Two different button sets available

There's a little screencast available!

Notes on changing page order via Drag'n'Drop

Since Version 1.0 it is possible to change page order via drag'n'drop. Currently it's only possible to drag top level pages, that means only those pages with no parent pages. It is planned to make it possible for child pages, though.


615 Responses

  1. btp,

    that’s planned, yes. Though, at this time I’ve not found a jQuery calendar yet that allowed changing date and time.

  2. Great plugin. Makes WP more efficient & easier to manage.

    A proposal – has anyone developed the ability to custom order posts? Posts cannot be custom ordered like Pages & instead can only be ordered by their date (or title, etc). I think the ability to override the default date ordering for Posts and define a custom order would be useful. We’ve tinkered with the concept & added in the ability to this plugin to drag & drop posts, using an auxiliary date field in the wp_posts table to store a unique date for custom ordering the Posts.

    Any thoughts?

  3. Hi! Firstly, thank you for a wonderful plugin! Unfortunately I am only using one of the many abilities which your plugin is capable of and I was wondering if you could shed a little light on how you managed it.

    Your plugin allows a post to be ‘hidden’ – I needed this ability so that whenever I password protect a post I am able to ‘hide’ it from casual visitors and send the permalink to people who I wish to be able to view the post. I have had a look through your source code and have traced the ability to hide the post back to an ajax function. Sadly, my javascript skills are limited and I am unable to work out _how_ you managed to ‘hids’ a post.

    Are you able to contact me (via e-mail if you prefer) and inform me about how you managed this? I wish to write a very simple plugin which allows me to automatically ‘hide’ all posts which are password protected and only have them accessible via direct permalink. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you again for saving my bacon!


  4. Hey Richard,

    without going deeper as needed: The JS function just calls this PHP function where I set the visibility status inside the Database:

    Hope that already helps. The JS is actually SACK which is built-in in WP, so I make use of it to not need to include another JS library.

  5. Hi Oliver,

    Thanks for the reply. The shorturl you provided doesn’t work so I am unable to see where you were pointing. It is mainly the ‘visibility’ that I am unsure of… is there a column in one of the core databases which allows you to flag it’s status? Any chance you can point me at the specific php function?

    Again, any help appreciated

  6. Hi Richard,

    the shorturl should work now. I was just playing around a bit. There you’ll see how I manage to toggle the visibility status. In the wp_posts table there’s a row called “post_status” that I just switch between ‘draft’/’publish’. ‘draft’ means invisible here.

    The rest of my function is just simple database/PHP stuff.

  7. Ah I see! You cheat! haha. That’s a really clever way of doing it. Bravo!

    Thank you for the hints and tips and for getting back to me so quickly. Excellent website by the way and awesome plugin.


  8. Hallo Oliver,

    Das Plugin ist wirklich ausgezeichnet! Super Bedienung und sollte mein WordPress-Leben noch einfacher machen, als es schon ist. Vielen Dank dafür. Eine Frage habe ich aber doch noch: Mit welchen Tool hast Du das Screencast erstellt, das mit den Zooms gefällt mir! (Oder ist das Zoomen nur über Compiz realisiert?)

    Besten Gruß

  9. DANKE! Hier weiß jemand, was Webmaster brauchen, das Plugin finde ich wirklich unverzichtbar – verstehe gar nicht, warum sowas nicht von Haus aus dabei ist?!? So kann man sich nun auch “mass edit pages” sparen und bekommt noch viel mehr Funktionen dazu. Bin echt begeistert!

  10. Hey Oliver, I am glad to find out that the plugin is getting me interesting on every update. I liked the new post revision feature. I would suggest to develop this further:

    When I click on the post revision icon near posts, I get the window which shows the post revision of that post. Would it be able to add an option to that window which enables clearing or emptying the post revision of that post?

    Post revisions sometimes keeps unwanted information in the database, and there should be time where we don’t want to keep them.

    Thank you and I hope my suggestion is useful and easy to implement 🙂

  11. I find this as an useful tool, but there seems to be a problem while trying to edit a post title with special characters like apostrophe or single quote. The change dialod simply does not load!

    Kindly ignore in case this problem is already being adressed…

  12. Aouni: I’ll have a look at it, would be useful indeed. 🙂

    Stephen: Thanks for your kind words.

    Rajesh: I’ve fixed this with version 1.6.1 that I released just some minutes ago. Zhanks for the info!

  13. It is a cool thing. So useful.
    I think that could you make it can edit the upload time of attachments?

    Thx for your job.

  14. Thank you for this great plugin, I’m using Admin Management Xtended since 1.2 version and this plugin is to me a Must-Have for any WordPress installation.

    Something I would like to see in future releases is “Excerpt Edit button” or a custom button where the user could choose his fuction.

    Really thanks

  15. Hello,

    I really like your extended admin management plugin. I only can’t seem to be able to activate de dutch translation. In the languages folder I only uploaded the admin-management-xtended-nl_NL mo & po file, but it doesn’t sdeem to work. What am I doing wrong?

    Kind regards,

  16. 偶爱偶家August 6, 2008 at 7:05 am

    this is a very nice plugins, thanks!

    but can you add change time(now only change date)? it is very usefull.

  17. @Joost: Seems like you spotted out a little mistake. The L10n file for dutch language doesnt have underscore between nl and NL, but uses nl-NL. So it’ll work if you rename the .mo and .po file to admin-management-xtended-nl_NL.po . I’ll have this fixed with the next version, and already in the SVN repository. 🙂

    @偶爱偶家: At this time I didnt find an extendable jQuery calendar plugin that allows time changing. If you find one, lemme know. Or I’ll do one myself, but that would take some time.

  18. Hi Oliver,

    I already changed the dashes to underscores before and it still didn’t work. But after upgrading to WP 2.6 this afternoon the translation worked fine. I’m not sure why it didn’t work in 2.5 though.

    Anyway, it works like a charm now. Great plugin!!


  19. When I was signed in as admin I hid all drafts. Now there is no way to toggle the visability. I don’t see them as drafts any longer. I don’t know where to find the drafts.

  20. hi Oliver,
    I found this plugins is so usefull for me since I’m administering an agregation blog.

    but it seems there’s some glitch in the “change publication date” since the AJAX won’t show. the rest of the function is working fine, though.



  21. Hey nich,

    what WordPress version are you using? And what exactly doesnt work? Doesn’t the popout calendar show up?

  22. hello,

    I think there is a little incompatibility between your plugin and OZH’s plugin. His plugin offers a drop down menu for the backend which falls back onto javascript in case of IE and on the manage post panel it breaks. I don’t know which plugin is a fault, I jsut know your two plugins don’t want to play nicely together, so maybe you can analyze the problem?

  23. 🙁 sorry, my fault, I forgot to mention the most important fact, that I am using wpmu 2.6 🙁 if you don’t mind testing you can go here: sign up for a new blog, then go to manage => plugins and activate your plugin, check on the manage => posts page that it works fine, then activate the ozh’s plugin and check the manage posts page again.

    I could give you login details for a demo blog, but then we’d risk someone else being logged in at the same time… so rather get your own login.

  24. Ah, I havnt tested and developed it under WPMU yet. But luckily I’ve recently set up a WPMU testblog to make my plugins compatible to WPMU, so I’ll have a look at it. 🙂

    I’ll create a blog on your site now, be prepare. *gg

    edit. I dont seem to be able to login. After filling out the form, I just get the message “Please try again!”.

  25. hmmm…
    I have upgraded to wpmu 2.6 a couple of days ago, and I was convinced, everything ran smootlhy now.
    Do you mean you can’t sign up or did you sign up but can’t log in now?

    But don’t worry I’ll set up a testblog for you. you will get the log in info by email.

  26. Thanks for willing to help and spending your rare time on this issue. 🙂

    I wasnt able to sign up for a blog. I typed in username, email and clicked “Agree” checkbox, and after pressing the “next” button, it returned the obove mentioned message.

  27. no, don’t thank me. I am more than happy to help if we can get your plugin to work smoothly with wpmu 🙂
    btw. I did not create the testblog from the backend, but just like you from the front end while being logged out.
    I have to test again from home with different browsers to make sure it actually works…

    Please let me know if you have some news, or if you don’t get your login details by email soon. Btw. I do speak German, just chose English here as its a “public” place. So if there are any questions, and you don’t want to clutter up your blog here you can reach me after work on the email address I provided here.

  28. actually a German speaking Romanian living in South Africa, how weird is that?

    I will contact you when I am home again, too many probs here at work, can’t properly test – 🙁 in the worst case I’ll add your user to the blog with the problems, maybe you can help me find out what is wrong.
    I just guessed the problem was your plugin combined with ozh’s as I couldn’t find another plugin that was active in the backend, but as your newly created blog doesn’t have this problem, it can’t be any of the plugins from the mu-folder either, so it must be something that that particular blog has activated.

  29. I found the culprit 🙂
    During my tests with drop down menus it seems one of the other candidates, wasn’t completely off/deactivated, so in the old blogs I had these glitches while in the new blogs, like your testblog they were absent.

    Thanks for all your help and for this great plugin.

  30. Hallo Oliver,

    ich bin es mal wieder mit einem Erweiterungswunsch 🙂

    Aktuell hantiere ich viel mit der WordPress-Linkveraltung herum. Nun wäre es schön, wenn man da auch wie bei den Artikeln die Kategorien und die Sichtbarkeit ändern könnte. Also wenn Du mal Zeit hast…

    Danke und Gruß

  31. small bug – when you define the slug and you leave it blank, it save it with blank slug, what is wrong and may destroy the web functionality. It should create it automaticaly with the wordpress function from the given title

  32. Wow, das ging ja schnell. Besten Dank für die Erweiterungen der Linkverwaltung, funktioniert sehr gut und ist vor allem sehr komfortabel.

    Nun bin ich auf ein weiteres Problem gestoßen, welches aber nicht den Anwender, sondern eher andere Plugin-Programmierer betrifft.

    Da durch die Ajax-Funktionen einige Sachen an den WP-Funktionen “vorbeilaufen”, greifen bestimmte Action-Hooks nicht mehr.
    So habe ich mich bei einem Plugin in die Action ‘edit_link’ eingeklinkt, um z.B. weitere Aktionen beim Ändern der Sichbarkeit auszufühern. Das geht nun leider nicht mehr.

    Meine Idee wäre daher, das jeweils vor dem Ende der Ajax-Funktion, also bevor das die(…) aufgerufen wird, ein do_action eingefügt wird, dem dann die ID, z.B. die Link-ID oder Post-ID übergeben wird. Im konkreten Fall könnte das so aussehen:
    do_action( ‘ame_toggle_linkvisibility’, $linkid );

    Oder noch kompatibler, einfach den originalen Action-Hook aufrufen, also z.B.:
    do_action( ‘edit_link’, $linkid );


  33. Hey Ingo,

    dessen bin ich mir (leider) bewusst, hehe. Ist mir kürzlich auch aufgefallen, als ich einen Titel inline mit meinem Plugin änderte, und ein filter nicht griff. Da war mir klar, dass da einige apply_filter() und do_action()’s fehlen. 🙂

    Da heißt es wohl, demnächst nochmal durch den ganzen Quelltext gehen.

  34. Hi,

    I’ve just translated the pluging into Portuguese to my blog.
    If you would like to add that to the language files, let me know, and i can send you the translation.
    Thanks for this fantastic plugin.=)


  35. Hey Adriano,

    thanks a lot for your contribution! You can send your translation to scripts at schloebe dot de

    I’ll add it to the public package as soon as possible! 🙂

  36. This is one of the most useful plugins I’ve ever come across 🙂 But it has some weird bug with Gengo language plugin – it does not prevent Gengo activation but messes up all other plugin/theme localizations. If I have this plugin enabled other plugins and theme get translated only to default language.

    I know very little about PHP but I made a fix which works for me. I moved the call to the localization domain out of the class-constructor(in admin-management-extended.php), like this:

    // this goes afrer line 108

    function amxt_load_textdomain() {
    if ( function_exists('load_plugin_textdomain') ) {
    * Load all the l18n data from languages path
    if ( !defined('WP_PLUGIN_DIR') ) {
    load_plugin_textdomain('admin-management-xtended', str_replace( ABSPATH, '', dirname(__FILE__) ) . '/languages');
    } else {
    load_plugin_textdomain('admin-management-xtended', false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages');
    add_action('init', 'amxt_load_textdomain');

    class AdminManagementXtended {
    // the rest of plugin code goes here...

    I see you have updated your other plugin 🙂

  37. Hey dragunoff,

    thanks again for your info. I plan to update it this evening aswell with the new action hook like you already suggested for the Reveal IDs plugin.

    Thanks! 🙂

  38. Excellent Xtended Plugin , congrats on the wordpress plugin, I found it very easy to manage or edit the posts now, great one.



  39. Hello,

    There’s an important problem with this plugin. My blog system works on “contributor” members. A contributor “advise” an article, and an author promote it for a normal article.

    But with that tool, contributors has the chance to approve their own articles, and that’s a little bug i think. But an important bug for the sites like us.

    Thanks anyway.

  40. Ever since I started using your plug-in, I’ve been getting 404 errors from the following file… “…../plugins/admin-management-xtended/js/jquery-addons/date_en_US.js?ver=1.8.7”. I then realized that I don’t even have that file. I’m not sure what breaks when that file isn’t found, but I decided to create the file based on the other location files.

    Create a new file called ‘date_en_US.js and put it inside the js/jquery-addons folder inside the plugin folder. Place the following code inside that file and upload it to your server.

    // date localization for locale ‘en’
    // file created by Blaine Sherman,

    Date.dayNames = [‘Sunday’, ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, ‘Friday’, ‘Saturday’];

    Date.abbrDayNames = [‘Sun’, ‘Mon’, ‘Tue’, ‘Wed’, ‘Thu’, ‘Fri’, ‘Sat’];

    Date.monthNames = [‘January’, ‘February’, ‘March’, ‘April’, ‘May’, ‘June’, ‘July’, ‘August’, ‘September’, ‘October’, ‘November’, ‘December’];

    Date.abbrMonthNames = [‘Jan’, ‘Feb’, ‘Mar’, ‘Apr’, ‘May’, ‘Jun’, ‘Jul’, ‘Aug’, ‘Sep’, ‘Oct’, ‘Nov’, ‘Dec’];

    I hope nothing is stripped when I post this comment 🙂

  41. Hey,

    I didnt even realize that, since I’m using the german locale. I just added the missing file to the download package, thanks a lot! 🙂

  42. I forgot to tell you that this is a fantastic plug-in!!! You’re response time is amazing!! Great job!!!

  43. I’ve been using your plugin for some time and it’s great except for one small thing. Whenever I set the date using the calendar in Admin Extended the display date shows one day in the past. Clicking the 14th displays the 13th. Any thoughts on why this might be happening? This isn’t an isolated case I’ve used this plugin on several sites with the same issue.


  44. Hey Doc4,

    this is a WP Time Offset thing, that I’m aware of. The time set by the popout calendar is saved as GMT, so it’s -2 hours. When you’ll have a look in your DB the time is 10pm, the day earlier. Thats what your installation shows up. I’ll have a look at it. 🙂

  45. Hi,

    I encounter an issue using AMX 1.8.8 (WP 2.6.2) with SLL connection in admin panel. All links are in https but all AMX links stay in http. So, some features like visibility toogling doesn’t work.

    I don’t know where (and what) can I change in the extension source code. May you give me some help ?

    Thank you 🙂

  46. @Doc4, I cant give you a quick solution, but the place where the chances would have to be made at: general-functions.php, line 459ff. I’ll address that in the upcoming version, though. 🙂

    @Gasp, I’ll have a look at that too. I remember allowing https links is a new feature with WP2.5 or 2.6 if I’m remembering right.

  47. Oliver,

    Thank you for the tip. I removed the few lines involving GMT and it seems to be working. I haven’t exactly run this through extensive testing or anything. One thing that seems strange is when I set the post date in the past it auto publishes the post if it is a draft. This is a feature in this plugin that could be corrected. Only publish the post if the Admin specifically gives instruction to, just a thought as this is still a great plugin.

    Here is what I adjusted:
    line 462: $newpostdate = ( date(“Y-m-d H:i:s”, strtotime( $_POST[‘pickedDate’] )) );
    line 462 Note: Removed “get_date_from_gmt”
    line 463: Delete or Comment Out
    line 467: Delete or Comment Out

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